Public Profile
  • Improve 'Tell Me' search results by including actions from active listparts (opened in 'Document Focus' mode)

    I've a page with the action 'Copy' on page Level, and another 'Copy' action on subpage level. When using 'Tell Me', it includes the 'Copy' action for the current page, which is ok. When I decide to work on the data from the subpage (opened in Document Focus mode), I only see the actions of the subpage (those of the parent page are not visible) = ok.

    However, when searching again on 'Copy' (in Document Focus mode), I still get the 'Copy' action from the parent page as a result. I would have expected at least to get the 'Copy' action from the subpage, since this has the current focus...

    More info on

  • Enable 'Part' / 'Action' options for Page customisations / Design

    In the webclient, page Design is limited to adding/removing field controls only. The other actions (Part / Page / Action) are still disabled. This prevents users from adding factboxes that are not visible by default. Please enable full customisation features as available in the current Windows client (before killing it).
  • Provide 'Show More' support on factboxes to hide/show less important fields (Importance = Additional)

    Factboxes are often used to show more related information of an entity. However, in some cases, factboxes might contain too many fields / fields that are not always relevant. To avoid having to add / delete the fields, one might decide to add the fields with 'Importance' = Additional, so they could be shown/hidden on demand using the standard 'Show More' / 'Show Less' action.

    Idea is to provide the same support on CardParts (factboxes) as is currenty available on normal Card pages for fields marked with Importance = Additional.
  • Provide better support for 'Multi-line' controls on list pages

    If the 'multiline' property is used on controls on list pages, the height of each line / record in the list pages is increased to the max. height. This consumes a lot of valuable white space for records that don't have a value in the multiline control. Better would be to dynamically adapt the height of the record / line based on the content of the multline control. The same way the 'autofit / auto-height' property in Excel works. If there's no content in the multline control, the record takes the height of one line, in case the multline control contains text that takes up 5 lines, increase the line height of the current line to 5.

    Supporting line breaks (\n) to better render the content across multiple lines would be appreciated as well.
  • Provide support for ALL pages in 'Page Inspector' (Zoom) mode

    The replacement of the old 'Zoom' / 'About this Page' functionality by the new 'Page Inspector' comes with some important limitations. It's no longer possible to use the 'Page Inspector' on all kinds of pages. Pages that are technically build on top of 'temporary' tables do no longer provide the option to 'zoom' to the contents / source of the page using the 'Page Inspector' option. The BC BASE app (and lots of add-ons) make extensive use of pages build on top of temporary tables, resulting in an inconsistent user experience. Please enable support again for temp tables in the new 'Page Inspector', the same way it was available in all previous NAV versions. (Functionality must be available on all kinds of PageTypes, including ListParts).
  • Allow CardPageId on Page Extensions for standard BC tables without card page.

    We want to add a a Card Page for a standard List Page that has no Card Page assigned, but that's currently not possible. Being able to set the CardPageId property on a page extension would be usefull. See PS : Subscribing to 'GetConditionalCardPageID' of Page Management doesn't help, since it does not show the View / Edit actions.
  • Standard Azure Blob Storage integration to save documents / attachments

    Since the max. database size on Saas tenants is set by default to 80 Gb (unofficially it seems that 150 Gb is the actual limit), we were instructed to move away from storing documents / attachments as Blob files in the dabase. On several blogs, there are already some examples on how to integrate with Azure Blob Storage. I would like MS however to come up with a default pattern / framework / module in the System App to provide seamless integration with Azure blobs (or OneDrive) to store / download attachments. MS should also adhere to this new pattern for standard features like linking attachments, incoming documents, ...
  • Improve the 'Popout Window' experience + provide right-click support

    The latest version of Business Central provides a new 'Popup Window' option. The current implementation is mainly focused on popout the 'current' page. We'd like to take this the next step, and popup out other pages instead. Therefore several improvements are needed: 1) Allow programmatic control to launch a page in a new window. This needs to work on : - pages that show up in the Search Results (default option on Page level to ALWAYS open in a new window) - pages part of a RoleCenter navigation are (option on Action level to open in a new window) - Actions part of the page ribbon (option on Action level to open in a new window) - PAGE.RUN code statements (extra parameter to set a 'Target' to open in a new window) One of the use cases we have in mind is the user to be able to 'plan' / drag-drop entities using different pages. Via the menu / role center / actions, the user would open a list page with items to be planned. Via another action on that page / code, a second page should be opened in a new window (on a second monitor) with an agenda / matrix. Or vice versa, via the menu / role center / actions, the user would open an agenda / matrix page. Via another action on that page / code, a second list page should be opened in a new window with items to be planned. 2) It should be possible to popout list / worksheet / document pages as well (currently not all page types are supported) 3) There are quit some limitations on the popped out pages. Please provide at least provide TellMe and Inspector support again. 4) The 4-charachter 'Company Badge' looks very tiny on the newly opened page (running Chrome on 80% mode). Please make it more readable. 5) Provide right-click support and make 'open in new tab/window' available as in normal browser behavior. It's intuitive and a lot more productive.
  • Improve Development Experience performance in VS Code

    Working in VS Code on larger projects seems to eat a lot of CPU and Memory, even when following the recommended settings by Microsoft. We often find CPU reaching 100% and memory running over 10 Gb while opening AL projects and working with AL files, forcing us to reload / re-open VS Code frequently. Microsoft is exploring adding some configuration settings that will allow us to trade responsiveness for lower CPU usage. (see Please upvote this idea to have an overall faster Development Experience in VS Code.
  • Role Explorer : CodeCop rule to check if pages / reports have been integrated in a Role Center

    A CodeCop rule (AW0006) exists to ensure pages and reports are discoverable by the user via the 'Tell me' feature (since originally 'Tell Me' was the only option to search for pages). With the introduction of the new 'Role Explorer', users might use this next to the 'Tell Me' feature to discover the application using the pages from the different role centers instead. We would to enforce our developers to integrate newly developed pages / reports at least in a role center, so they are discoverable via the 'Role Explorer' too (precondition is the profile needs to be enabled / shown in explorer). Can we have a new CodeCop rule (based on AW0006) to check if pages / reports (having a UsageCategory <> None) have at least been integrated in a Role Center?