Public Profile
  • Have auto charges applied for shipping costs at CPOS/MPOS.

    Sales associates don't often know the correct shipping charges and should not have to input them manually as it works today. All of my clients have requested an automatic charge added to the sales transaction depending on the delivery method selected at the POS, this is a big need.

  • Transfer order line numbering

    When adding transfer order lines manually to a transfer order, the line numbers should update and sequence automatically. In the current design, the first line is line number 1 as expected. However, when the second line is added, the line number for the second line is -1 instead of 2. It is also possible to get a line number that is a decimal. I have been told this is intended functionality. The idea is to update the transfer order line number to match the functionality of purchase order line numbers, where the numbers are auto sequenced based on when the line is added using 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...etc