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  • App Source Validation is not publishing libraries for all the countries where it is available


    This suggestion is related to this Yammer thread:

    The issue

    The matter is about library apps.

    When we publish a offer, we specify for it supported countries. Any update of the offer (the main app of the App Source submission), the new version of the app is published for all supported countries.

    When we publish a library app, the new version of the library is only published for the countries of the offer.

    However, it is quite common for a library to be common for several offers. And these offers might not be available in the same countries. As a consequence, if a library is not published with all the offers in way it covers all the countries where this library is available, it results that the latest version of the library might not be available everywhere.

    This might cause confusion and might also creates blocking issues when features are deprecated in the library: the new version is not compared with the same previous version in all countries.

    As an ISV, we have no summary about which version of the library is available in which country.

    The suggestions

    I can propose several way to solve this issue:

    - A library could be validated and published for all countries where it is already pushed on App Source


    - A library could be validated and published for all countries in its AppSourceCop.json


    - We could be able to create a hidden offer (without marketing informations) so the app remains hidden in the App Source website but submitted with the same validation process as a normal offer.

  • Provide telemetry for API batch calls


    Currently if you call an API by using the batch call endpoint and one of the call is failing, there is nothing sent in the telemetry.

    It would be helpful to get the error message and stack trace for each call inside the batch as if they have been done separately.

  • Add telemetry for obsolete feature usage

    I think it would be helpful, especially for ISV, if we had a signal emitted each time an obsolete feature is used based of the ObsoleteState in the source code.

    It would be very helpful at least for the following levels:

    • Actions on page: when a user click on it
    • Page: when the object is opened
    • Report: when the object is run
    • Xmlports: when the object is run

    At some point, it would be also interesting to get insights for obsolete procedure calls, but it might emit too much signals and we already have the ability to log a signal manually. Unless, we are able to set somewhere that we only want one signal per day for each obsolete procedure call.

  • Prevent calculation in OnAfterGet(Curr)Record if a field is not visible on a page

    Could we have a way on a page to know if a control is displayed or not on the client?

    The goal would be to skip some costly calculations, especially in lists, if the field is hidden.

    I know we have factboxes or Page Background tasks, but customers are sometimes really interested to get some info directly in the list with the other fields.

    If we are able to skip the calculation if the field is hidden, it would only impact users where the field is displayed.

  • Support multiline text literal in AL

    Sometimes we need to insert long text strings, especially if we have to hard code XML, Json or other technical structures in our code.

    It would be helpful to keep the code readable if text literal could support multiline content.

    For instance, instead of typing this:

    myVar := 'line1'

    + 'line2'

    + 'line3';

    We could type this :

    myVar := 'line1



    Note : in this example, the result would not be exactly the same as the multiline example new line characters and spaces are supposed to be preserved.

    As an inspiration for this, we could compare it with what Javascript offers:

  • Support multiline text literal in AL

    Sometimes we need to insert long text strings, especially if we have to hard code XML, Json or other technical structures in our code.

    It would be helpful to keep the code readable if text literal could support multiline content.

    For instance, instead of typing this:

    myVar := 'line1'

    + 'line2'

    + 'line3';

    We could type this :

    myVar := 'line1



    Note : in this example, the result would not be exactly the same as the multiline example new line characters and spaces are supposed to be preserved.

    As an inspiration for this, we could compare it with what Javascript offers:

  • Allow markdown in Message and Error

    Would it be possible to allow markdown in Confirm, Dialog, Message and Error calls?

    It is today possible in the teaching tips.

    A bit of text formatting could be an enhancement in the communication with the user (if there is guidelines also of course).

    For instance, field names or action names could be in bold.

    If the error message is correctly designed, we could also add a link to redirect the user to the right page to fix the error, or an external link to get more information in the doc.

    Exemple :


    PostingGroupMissingErr: '**Gen. Bus. Posting Group** is missing on [Customer %1](?page=22&&filter=Customer."No." IS "%1").';


    if Customer."Gen. Bus. Posting Group" = '' then

    Error(PostingGroupMissingErr, Customer."No.");


  • Power Automate, allow a way to run a session in a specific language

    With the recent action Get a picture, a file or a document (V3) if I try to retrieve a salesQuote in PDF, the document is always printed in English if the customer has no language code.

    This is due to the fact that users usually do not fill the language code if the customer speaks the same language as they are using Business Central.


    It might be a bad habit but my request is the following:

    Can you add a way to get documents in the context of a specific language?

    Today, it is possible with the Accept-Language ( element when calling APIs.

  • Run a query from code

    Could you give us a way to open a query to the user from the code.

    Something like the methods we have on Page variables and the static Page object.

    • Query.Run(Query::"My Query");
    • Query.RunModal(Query::"My Query");
    • MyQuery.Run()
    • MyQuery.RunModal()

    I see two reasons for this:

    • We could use QueryCategory to make a query available from a page but you can only set one QueryCategory per page and this property cannot be set by pageextension objects.
    • BC23 offers the ability to Analyze queries.... but if we cannot run them this feature is a bit limited.
  • AppSource validation: Blocking issue when an enum is removed in a dependency

    This issue is only related to App Source apps because of AS0002 and AS0004 rules.

    The issue is already described here :

    To summarize (app A and B are App Source apps):

    1. App A can declare an enum.

    2. App B can take a dependency to app A and use the enum as the type a table field

    3. App A can mark the enum as ObsoleteState = Pending and then remove the enum in a future version

      The reason can also be because app B wants to remove its dependency to app A at some point.

    4. App B is now in a dead end: the field cannot be removed (because of AS0002) or its datatype cannot be changed (because of AS0004).

    My suggestion is not to prevent apps from removing enums. I strongly think that at some point and with the correct obsolescence path, any change should be allowed.

    My suggestions are:

    • Either at some point AS0002 must be relaxed (if the field is already marked as ObsoleteState = Removed for instance) (In my opinion, it is not the safer solution)
    • Either AS0004 must be relaxed to allow switching from one enum to another enum (if the field is marked as ObsoleteState = Pending or Removed for instance).

    The current reason since dependent extensions may break marked on the documentation page is not relevant as many AppSourceCop rules already allow to break dependent extensions IF the right obsolescence process is applied.