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  • Allow relationships with activitypointer

    I'm not sure why, but at the moment you can't create a lookup/relationship with activitypointer. What I would like to be able to do is have a many to one relationship from my custom entity to an activity (where there are many of my entities per activity).

    If you have something related to any activity type it is very difficult to write code which performs well.

    This is exasperated by the lack of a Guid field and means we have to store a reference to activity pointer as a string.

    This in turn means we can't do joins and have to do multiple calls which doesn't perform well.

    We are currently considering creating an intermediate entity which has the same id as the activity pointer and a lookup to our custom entity. This all feels a bit clunky and unnecessary.

  • POSSIBLE BUG - ObjectId on activitymimeattachment has incorrect logicalname

    If you look at objectid on annotation it contains the Guid Id for the parent activity and the logicalname of the activity type (e.g. "letter").

    The objectid on activitymimeattachment also has the Id of the parent activity, which in this case is always an email, however the logicalname is always "activitymimeattachment" which is incorrect. It should be "email" or whatever the logical name of an email template is...

    Please see discussion in the forum here: