Public Profile
  • Sort "Category" Alphabetically in Smartlist Options window

    The current Category drop down list, which lists all of the Smartlist Objects, is currently sorted some way other than alphabetical or by parent product (i.e. in the order you see them grouped in Smartlist itself). My suggestion is sorting it alphabetically by Object Name. My alternate suggestion would be sorting it by parent group (Product/Series) then by Object Name so that at least the order would be apparent to those looking at the list. Jen

  • Allow dashes again in Fixed Asset IDs

    Years ago the dashes were allowable and then they were not, and I'd love to see the dashes made "usable" again. Many customers (and my existing company now) used dashes as separators in Fixed Asset ID naming and now pre and post the GP version where that changed, they have a horrible, non-sortable list of Asset IDs, some with dashes and some without. Dashes are still possible when creating assets via eConnect but not in the UI.
  • Reporting Services (SSRS) choose which series of reports get deployed

    I would love to have options in the Reporting Tools Setup window to restrict deployment of SSRS by series & company. Currently the only options are to choose by company and then ALL reports are deployed regardless of need. For example: one client has a "primary" company that utilizes a lot of modules but several other smaller companies that are not much more than GL, AR, AP so deploying payroll, field services, HR, etc. there makes no sense and just creates clutter for no reason, or work on the SSRS admin's part to then go and remove the pieces they don't need.

  • Take Companies Offline > Reminder on logout

    My suggestion is to prompt a user logging out of a company that is in Offline mode to remind them the company is still in Offline mode. This prompt should only be for the users who have the ability to put a company into or out of Offline mode, i.e. powerusers, sysadmins in SQL and/or user with "offline access" enabled. The use case is there is no visual identifier that the company is in Offline mode unless you are at the Company selection screen. It is easy to forget you took the company offline and forget to put it back online when you are done your work. (Ask me how I know... LOL... :) ). I think a simple prompt, such as "This company is in Offline mode. Do you still want to log out?" with an OK/Cancel option would be a nice addition.

  • Add record notes for User Security Setup & Role/Task/Alt-Mod Setup

    Add the ability to have record level notes on the security windows to aid users/organizations in documenting changes to them over time. These windows only have a window note but a record level note would allow some recordkeeping when needing to make changes to individual items or assignments. User Security Setup Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports Security Role Setup Security Task Setup
  • Remember sort option in inquiry windows

    I'm putting this under Accounts Payable but it could apply to more windows. With the introduction of the sort options in Payables Transaction Inquiry, I'd love to see it saving the choice of sort when I close the window. I sort the same way every time (or most times) and have to select it every time I open the window.
  • Add "Paycode" as sort option in Payroll Quick Entry

    A customer asked me to log this idea for them: in Payroll Quick Entry, they need to search for a particular set of paycodes each week (weekly payroll) to change the codes from how they were imported into CPY originally from Wennsoft/Key2Act Time Track. Right now, there is no sort by paycode option so she needs a supplementary report to list all occurrences of these paycodes in a given batch to edit the records before processing payroll. The risk of missing them is high. The background - if relevant - Key2Act does not allow banked paycodes on jobs, because that's not a valid US Payroll paycode type. However, in timesheet entry, employees are allowed to bank overtime. Special paycodes were created just for timesheet entry to jobs to get the cost allocated to the job, and payroll then flips the codes to the proper "banked" paycode during payroll so the amounts don't get added to the paycheque. (Side note: I think sorting by paycode could be useful for many other scenarios including verifying overtime or special use codes in many customer sites!)
  • Fixed Assets projection & depreciation routines are very slow

    The projection and depreciation processes are very slow when customers have a large quantity of assets. (I'm talking running for HOURS slow). Can the processes be optimized further and/or "scheduled" so it would run after hours? Thx Jen
  • Age-based premiums for spousal benefits don't auto update

    For Age-Based benefit rates, when an employee moves from one premium range to another on their birthdate, the premium on the benefit/deduction summary window updates automatically. However, for SPOUSAL benefits based on the Spouse's birthdate, those rates do not update. A user has to remember to go into the benefit window where it will then show the correct premium and save it.

    I'd like to suggest that all age-based benefits should update automatically, assuming of course that the spouse's birthdate is in GP.

    This post from 2012 (!!) has some more details and info on this and how it works for the employee side. Update Age Based Employee Procedure - Microsoft Dynamics GP Forum Community Forum

  • Mass Assign/Remove Workflow Managers

    I'm working with a client who is adding workflow to multiple companies and it's super painful to have to go to every single company and every single workflow one at a time to assign Workflow Managers. What I would love to see is something like the User Access window type of scenario - select a user/group from a list of workflow managers and then mark/unmark the workflows they can manage in one window. (Even if this was something we needed to do "in each company" this would be a big improvement).