Receiving of barcodes with specified quantities behaves as Piece processing, rather than count by barcode
Product barcode with quantity specified does not work with Load item receiving. Receiving of barcodes with specified quantities behaves as Piece processing, rather than count by barcode. Every time when receiving using bar code (in Load receiving and Putaway), Work is created for a single quant...
Improve "Reconcile the remainder of the invoice" form
"Reconcile the remainder of the invoice" form This is a request to improve "Reconcile the remainder of the invoice" form in order to be able to apply a Reconciliation reason code for all the lines on the same time. A new button that allows setting a given code to a selected number of lines....
New warehouse mobile app improvements
1) Issue with scrolling in menus and screens • issue with the threshold for scrolling, as it jumps back to original position if you don’t scroll enough or when you do not scroll precisely in the way the application is expecting. 2) Non-readable color combination • issue in details page o...
Add support for creating quality orders per Nth license plate per Batch
Quality orders creation issue with Batch tracked items and per Nth license plate in Item Sampling. The Quality orders are not created for all batch numbers as expected, for example: System generated only one Quality order for the first Batch numbers – the second quality...
Cannot control the stocking limits per item in KARDEX
Cannot control the stocking limits per item in KARDEX . This is a request to implement this stocking limits per item when using Kardex.
Merging of batches on the warehouse mobile app
This is a request for a solution to move stock from one batch number to another batch number on warehouse mobile app while keeping the CW tag information.
Sales Block at Warehouse Level
Currently it is possible to block sales order at Site level or Item level, but not at warehouse level . The request is to have the option to block sales at warehouse level too.