Dynamics GP Service Call History window sort options
Inquiry > Service Call Management > History By Customer window does not appear to have any obvious sort (not Service Call, Entry Date, Service Call Description). Client would like to have the window sort by Entry Date, or have an option to sort by different columns displayed in the scrol...
PO Requisition Controls to prevent deleting Submitted/Rejected requisition
If a Purchase Requisition is submitted for approval, and the Approver rejects it, GP allows the requisition to be deleted. Having a setup option (like SOP Document ID) to prevent deletions - or require a password - would be ideal. More detail found at: https://community.dynamics.com/gp/f/micros...
Import forms.dic
It would be very helpful to be able to import one (or all) window modifications from one forms.dic to another. (While customization packages are a great tool when there is a working environment but sometimes I just need to see what is in a dictionary and import it into a test environment to revi...