Ability to be able to rename the Duplicate Det5ection rule
I often give the duplicate detection rule a name based on the fields or key fields sued. If one of those fields is no longer needed, then the name reflects incorrectly what's in the rule. There is no way to change the name of the rule once it's created. This would be a very nice feature to hav...
Increase the size of the Segment Query definition
Request is to increase the size of the Segment Query definition. Our customer has quite complex segment needs and when the segment editor converts the code to the query language, they often get the ‘you have exceeded the 4,000 character limit’ error. They are looking to building sub-segments a...
Allow Recurrence to be set for Bookable Resource Bookings
It would be great to be able to create a Booking and then set a recurrence pattern (e.g. run each week, each month etc.) If the same resources were kept by default, this and time slot details can all be amended for the recurring bookings - i.e. agent would need to very these before confirming...
Ability to filter and search by Shared records
It's great that you can use Sharing to share a record between users to help with data management. However there is no way to use ta option to filter record when say creating a View (e.g. show me records I own plus all those that are shared with me.)
I understand this is baked ...
Block access to url addressable page where pagetype=advancedfind
Suggest the url addressable link e.g. https://
.crm11.dynamics.com/main.aspx?appid=XXXXX&pagetype=advancefind needs to be blocked as it is currently a workaround. We have built a restricted app and locked down access as much as possible and control data access via Containers in a custo...Remove restriction to have at least one Business Process Flow in a model driven app
When creating a model driven app, there is a baked-in rule that means you cannot completely exclude all Business Process Flows. This feels like a very odd restriction when you can control most things about what is included in an app.
We have a need to removed this but cannot s...