Rollup Fields: Filter which Parent records are subject to rollup
I know you can filter which child records get rolled up in rollup fields, but I'd also like 'If/else' filters for which parent records' are subject to a calculation. Basically be able to say "rollup this field if the child records are 'x' (current functionality so far), only if parent record h...
Remove Entity From Multi-Entity Lookup
Regarding mult-entity lookups like "Customer" that can pull in Accounts" or "Contacts":
I'd like the ability to remove an entity from this lookup, "Accounts" say.
The primary reason to make this change is I'd like to reference this related entity in Calculated Fields.
Audit History for Connections
There doesn't appear to be access to Audit History on Connections. For instance, I'd like to see if/when a connection role was changed and by whom.
Rollup Fields: Reference other Rollup Fields
I would like to rollup another rollup field on a related child record.
I know this is explicitly stated in the 'Rollup field Considerations' located here:
But, I would still like MSFT to explore options to making this h...
Query Audit History
BE able to query audit history of a record. For example, be able to search by a former last name.
Prevent Creating Picklist Values Upon Import
This has bitten us a few times: I'd love if there was some way to prevent creating pick list values when importing data.
It's just too easy to accidentally create a new pick list value by misspelling a current value. Or erhaps, there could be some sort of warning before import?
Promote Personal Views/Charts/Dashboards to System...
For all intents & purposes I am the "product owner" of Dynamics CRM for my organization. I build solutions, workflows, business rules, workflows, etc. for all users.
Often the views, charts, and dashboards I build later become so valuable that I end up sharing them across the organization...
Character Count Calculation Feld
I would like the ability to create a calculated field that calculated the character (or word) count of a text field (multiple lines).
The same functionality as in MS Word would be great.
RIGHT & LEFT; ROUNDUP ROUNDDOWN functions in Calculated Fields
Great that TRIMLEFT and TRIMRIGHT are available functions for calcuclated fields, but how about adding some even less sophisticated functions like LEFT & RIGHT where I can return, for example, the 1 left -most character.
I originally wanted a ROUNDDOW...