Change project stage provide additional rules/polices
At present, a project stage can be changed to finished or equivalent when there could be outstanding timesheet, requisitions etc. This means that transactions will not be able to be posted. The project stage rules or a policy framework should be added whereby rules such as a project cannot be ...
Vendor rebates based upon the sale of the item
Current all Vendor rebate functionality is based upon the rebate accruing when the items is received or invoiced. Some vendor require the item to be sold either via the sales order or via the POS. This is known as "sold through" or scan. The complication can be if we sell the item to a Retaile...
Annual Limits for expense categories
For many organisations there are limits to be amount of expenses which can be claimed in a year. For example, for gym membership, Microsoft has a limit of $300 per year. It would be good if these limits could be enforced by polices
Reuquisition requiring RFQ process
The ability to accommodate workflow, mandatory fields and templates based on the thresholds listed below (inclusive of GST): 1. Procurement Requisition: Requests from A$0 to $25K, three quotes not mandated - optional RFQ 2. Request for Quotation: A$25K - $100K requires short RFQ docum...
Prospect Vendor for RFQ
At present the RFQ process requires participants in the process to be Vendors. If the RFQ process is a market testing process, typically prospect vendors will be invited to quote. This idea is to extend RFQ process to prospect vendors.
Support Procurement Category within WBS
At present, when creating a WBS with a line type of "item", only inventory items are available to be selected. This should be extended to procurement categories. For a lot of organisations, they raise purchase orders against a project including for subcontracting, and generally procurement cate...
Employee reimbursed in currency of their location
When reimbursing employees which are in locations with currencies other than the home currency, the reimbursement payment generated in Accounts Payable, default to the home currency. For example, the legal entity has a home currency of USD but has a office in Canada where employee would like to b...
Fixed Asset reports cannot be run as at a date or date range
Fixed Assets reports are generally very good such as: Fixed Asset acquisitions Fixed Asset disposals Fixed Asset transactions Fixed Asset balances These reports typically cover all of the management and other requirements. The issue is none of the report can be ranged by date which is different ...
Expense Management Report Posted Transaction report does not any date field
The Expense Management Report Posted Transaction report does not have any date field for the individual transaction i.e. not the transaction or accounting date. Frankly, this makes the report useless, Accountants at a minimum want to know the period the transaction related too. The report shoul...
Expense Management Travel Requisition functionality is limited when reviewing and approving expense reports
The current travel requisition/expense report works in the following way: There is a Expense Management parameter requires travel to be pre-authorized before claiming the expense. The flag is "Pre-authorization of travel is required". With this switched on, Expense reports must have a travel re...