Change Contactpersonen list in Dutch to Contacts
Contactpersonen is a list of all contacts in the company, companies as persons. Please change the name of this list to Contacten.
Term Invoicing for Jobs
A term invoicing functionality would be nice to have in the Job module so you can setup terms for invoicing a job budget by i.e. 30% + 30% + 40%.
Add field to Purchase Order document
Please, make the field Posting Description from the Purchase Header (T38) available for the customized report lay-out in Word.
Make all fields available on Depreciation Book (T 5611)
Please make all fields in the background of the Depreciation Book (T 5611) available to personalize.
I.e. the field Allow Depr. below Zero is not available to personalize.
Setup Cues
In some default role centers the option Setup Cues in Activities is available, not in all.
Please, make that option available in all role centers.
Send Approval Request for multiple documents
Please make the function Send Approval Request in the Purchase Quotes list available for multiple selected lines.