Verbose Comments on Sales Quotes and Invoices
It would be great to be able to add long comments to lines in sales quotations, and invoices. Trying to make a sales quotation for the first time, we noticed how difficult it is to add custom comments to the quotation. The "Comment" lines are limited in characters, while we typically have 100-200...
Vendor Name to show in Vendor Ledger Entries
Wouldn't it be nice to have a column with Vendor Name in the Vendor Ledger Entries? Right now I'm trying to figure out which vendor the line applies to from Vendor Number column, and there is no way to personalize the columns to add Vendor Names. Please add this functionality, not everyone remem...
Opportunities - Changing Customer Company and Attachments
Please enable more flexibility in Opportunity editing by default. We are not able to edit the customer company name once it's entered for an opportunity, nor was I able to find any documentation for this feature anywhere. Also, I was not able to add attachments to the Opportunity - please enable!
Add Ship-to Address Province Field
I noticed today that when adding an Alternate Shipping Address, the "Province" field is missing in the editor, which resulted in our case in copying a province from default contact, and this now prints on all the Quotes and Invoices, and we can't change it. Please enable editing for the "Province...