Automatic calculations for objective ranking values in Vendor evaluations
Hello team,
I would like to suggest the following idea:
Our customer thinks that Microsoft should offer something more automatic for vendor evaluation. Meaning that, they agree there are subjective indicators but there are also objective indicators that would be nic...
Direct management of conflicts in Segregation of duties
In "System administration > Security > Segregation of duties > Segregation of duties unresolved conflicts". Once the conflict is resolved by denying or allowing the assignment, in order to modify or delete this, you need to change the root of the conflict. I believe it would be better and more...
Add a notification banner in LCS when you try to download an out of support QU using "View update".
A notification banner should appear whenever you try to download an out of support Quality update from LCS through "View update" indicating that you cannot save the package, but you can either export the files to CSV or download them from the asset library.