Change font size for the survey
Right now we can only adjust font size question by question manually.
We cannot adjust the font size to the whole survey in a simple click, which is very time consuming.
Add a comment box under a Likert
This is quite common with Survey Monkey or Qualtrics, that you can add a comment box under the Likert chart.
Right now, I have to create a new question under the Likert question and suggesting users to leave comments for above.
In some other tools, you can even add individual comme...
Change the display of Placeholder Text
When you use Choice questions, you can add "Other" as an option.
But sometimes, you want to leave a more meaning words other than the "Other".
At the moment, you cannot customise this placeholder text.
Multiple choices limit control
When selecting the Multiple Choices, we would like additional control on the qty of answers.
For example, we might suggest "Select minimum 3 choices" or "Please choose two choices", etc.