Cloud Business Central - availability of test libraries
Despite the declared support for test codeunits in the Cloud, for some reason libraries are not available to us, and they, in turn, are convenient for writing tests. Examle of test libraries, also we need Sales/Purchase libraries and so on:
Ability to pass list datatype to Rename() method [overload standard method]
We need ability to pass a list of values to Rename() method. There is no need to always pass each value separately. If you try to pass values with List data type you can even compile your code. But it won't work because the Rename function doesn't have an overload to accept lists. So, you will ge...
Support Variant datatype in List data type - ListOfVariant: list of [Variant]
Sometimes we would like to store some generic data in a list. To achieve this we need to support Variant datatype inside the List. Otherwise, we won't be able to pass/read values with the necessary data type. For example for FieldRef assignment. e.g. ListOfVariant: list of [Variant]