Email Template - Automatic emails
It would be great if we could have an filter option to set if a organizational email template is displayed in the dialogue of insert email template while creating a new email or not.
For example I have a organizational template for the installed user language package English but I do not...
Application Tab Template Configuration for Session
Within a Mutli-Session App the Application Tab Template should have the possibility to have a Parameter to update the Tabs.
The Paramater should reload the Tab in the Multi-Session on save or on change of the in the Application Tab Template defined lookup of the entity record.
Forward E-Mail to Queue Mailbox
When forwarding an email from a systemuser or an employee to a dedicated service email address it would be beneficial to have the possibility to get the initial email address and not the one of the forwarder.
It would be great to have a setting therefore in place.
Therefore in the ...