Dynamics Marketing: open Library Files in browser window instead of downloading them
We want to send marketing emails which contain links to docucments (e.g. PDF). The document is a File in the Library which comes with the outbound marketing solution by Microsoft. Currently the PDF document is downloaded by the browser because http header enforces all files to be downloaded. I...
Export event registration including registration esponses of custom registration fields
Currently it is possible to export event registrations with standard fields only.
In OBM there are custom registration fields with registration responses (which should also be implemented in RTM), which can only be exported response by response.
For event management it i...
Templates for customer journeys and segments
please support templates for customer journeys and segments how we have it also in Outbound Marketing.
Support multiple
Please support multivalue lookup columns in Customer Insights - Data segments. Currently there is a restriction:
- Multivalue lookup (PartyList). Some system lookup columns can contain multiple values. For example, the To lookup column of Email rows can contain multiple recipients.
Provide segment templates in RTM
In OBM there was the option to create segment templates which is quite useful for complex segments. Also there was a query view to see the segment definition in text. Both options are currently unavailable in OBM and we need such functionality again.
With lots of custom entit...
Change log: do not cut long values
In Outbound Marketing there is the limitation that values in change log are cut by 5kb/5000 characters. In RTM there should also be an audit log (e.g. for HTML of marketing forms), which should display the full HTML value in the change log entry. Currently it does not make a difference if long...