Wrong accounting amount in bank transaction form - Remove existing logic
In relation to Issue 835135 - request that the by design feature which has specific logic to recalculate accounting currency amount and...
Fix bug - difference arising on Poland/POL Customer to ledger reconciliation report
Relates to Issue 836735 (open issue)
We would appreciate if this bug could be looked at for a fix in the near future. A difference incorrectly arises on the customer to ledger reconciliation report when a settled foreign currency payment is unsettled or reversed.
Posted VAT inquiry report - Display/Signage of reverse charge net sales; positive figure instead of negative
The net amount for reverse charge sales (originating from a reverse charge purchase) displays on the posted vat inquiry/report table as a positive figure. I would expect this to show as a negative (the opposite to the purchase).
This results in a reconciling difference when r...
Customer write-off journal VAT- causes difference between general ledger to posted vat and vat100 reports.
When using the customer write-off journal and retaining the vat line (separate sales tax parameter set to yes) the vat posts to vat payable but on the vat100 and posted vat report it is recorded as a vat receivable.
Is the customer write-off journal not able to determine that ...
Re Issue 883505 - Issue with Invoice Register (IR) and Invoice Approval (IA) entries when unsettled and resettled.
Upon resettling and unsettling cancelled invoice register an erroneous additional voucher is created which causes an imbalance in the control accounts (IR control and PL control accounts).
It also throws out the vendor to ledger reconciliation report - fix can be done for the ledger si...
Display original voucher in ledger settlements screen - in particular on Year-end voucher / keep detail during year close transactions
At present we can only see the original transaction date, original document date and original document. Along with the Document and document, if entered on the original transaction.
The original voucher would be very useful here to assist in identifying and settling transacti...