Power Appsのモデル駆動型アプリ上において、現在はフォームのタブに枠線や色等をつけて判別しやすいようにする機能がありません。この機能が追加されるとユーザにとって更なる効率化、利便性につながります。
Function to add borders or colors to form tabs
Currently, there is no functionality to add borders or colors to form tabs on Power Apps model-driven apps to make them easier to distinguish. Adding this functionality will lead to greater efficiency and convenience for users.
Certain segments don't work as expected
Exclusions will work for existing segments, but exclusions will not work correctly for newly created segments.
If you set an excluded segment for a newly created segment, some members will see a "0".
Exclusions for newly created segments do not work correctly and members are displa...
Suggested ability to display related records for subgrid features on the Power Pages web portal
I would like to add a method to add a subgrid and display it after adding a form created in Dataverse on the Power Pages screen.
2024Release wave 2 What's new_The width of grouped items is not constant
When items are arbitrarily selected and grouped, a group column is displayed, but the size (width) of this column is not constant.
Since the width is narrow, you may not notice that the grouping column is displayed.
Sometimes it is displayed in a wide state, but the law is unknown....
Changes to command bar functionality in mobile apps
I would like to be able to customize the command bar on mobile devices, such as by changing which items are displayed or hiding them.
Change the default label value for the organization chart function
I would like to be able to change the default label values for the organization chart function.