D365 Customer Voice access to guest users with valid licenses
At this moment, Guest users are not supported for Dynamics 365 Customer Voice despite being added to Azure Active Directory and assigned appropriate licenses. This scenario is not mentioned explicitly in the documentation. This is very much needed as we won't be creating those external users unde...
RSO engine to support Organization Unit constraint
RSO currently doesn't accept Organization Unit as a constraint. This is useful in scenario where specific work order types/products to be scheduled to technicians of specific Org Units. Due to this restriction, we have been forced to create multiple RSO scopes specific to the Org Units which i...
Serialized inventory tracking
This is a quite common and important feedback from the clients. D365 FS currently lacks serialized inventory tracking where the inventory items are expected to track at individual serial number level. Currently, customers are dependent on other 3rd party add-ons for this.
Time bounded territories for Resources
Can we have a time bounded territories similar to the characteristics? E.g. Resource A mapped to Territory 1 from 01-Jan to 15-Jan and to Territory 2 from 15-Jan to 31-Jan etc. With this RSO or Scheduling Assistant picks up the best possible resources.
It's quite a common ask among the ...
Customer specific scheduling/work hours
Different customers works with different work hours in different period of time. Unfortunately, we don't have any work hours that are bounded to the customer. We do have Work Hours template that can be attached to a customer (Service Account) but it doesn't define the customer's operating hour...
Scheduling Assistant not respecting Time Window
Scheduling Assistant does picks up date range from the Date Window Start and End and it respects it and produces only the slots within it. However, it doesn't respect the Time Window Start and Time Window End like the RSO does. It neither loads the time from Time Window Start and End nor respe...