Data entity should be available to upload Customer Sellable days
There is no data entity available to upload Customer Sellable days (Sales and marketing > Customers > All customers , Action Pane Sell > Setup > Sellable days). This should be available as it is impossible for the customer to manually add all item-customer combinations for each separate custom...
Quality Test result registration history (report)
Currently there is no correct quality test result registration history (report). You can only check the created by/modified by of the last registered test result. To check this you also have to drill down to the specific quality order test in the quality order line results form. 2 issues with ...
More efficient Quality order Test result registrations
Currently to register test results on a quality order, you have to do this separately for each individual test in the quality order line result form. It is also only possible inside the D365FO application, not via the scanner
For registering test results inside D365...