Blocked customers should not be possible to choose in sales quote or sales order
When a customer on the customer card is blocked for All, it should not be possible to select this sustomer anymore when creating a new sales quote or sales order.
When a company ended their activities you don't want it to pop up in the list of customers to choose.
Hide blocked customers by new sales quotes and new sales orders
We would like an option that blocked customers are not showing anymore if you have to select the customer in a new sales quote or sales order.
For example when a company doesn't exist anymore, we prefer that this customer is excluded from the list to choose a customer.
Hide blocked customers by new sales quotes and new sales orders
We would like an option that blocked customers are not showing anymore if you have to select the customer in a new sales quote or sales order.
For example when a company doesn't exist anymore, we prefer that this customer is excluded from the list to choose a customer.