Fix account sort in Reporting Services Trial Balance
Account dropdowns in Trial Balance Detail and Trial Balance Summary are not sorted so that you can find the account you want. Broken in 2016 and 2018.
Define Statistical Accounts
Need accounts to enter counts and statistics to be used in reports.
Filter Budget to Active Accounts
Add a filter when creating or exporting a budget to exclude Inactive Accounts.
Safe Pay delimiter #
A customer's new bank (Citibank) requires # as the Positive Pay file delimiter. Please add to the choices for Safe Pay.
Safe Pay delimiter #
A customer's new bank (Citibank) requires # as the Positive Pay file delimiter. Please add to the choices for Safe Pay.
Allow Edit Payment Batch window to expand down
Allow Edit Payment Batch window to expand down to show more vendors and invoices on the screen without having to scroll down.
Fixed Assets
In the FA Transfer window Autocomplete does not work for Structure, Physical Location and Location IDs. Would be nice to have for my customer that transfers a lot of assets.
Credit Card reprint remittance
Customer would like to use Reprint Check Stub (Remittance) for credit card payments to easily see all the invoices that were paid with the credit card. The button is grayed out when the payment is by credit card.