Maintenance job types - Regulatory requirement
Missing a field on maintenacne job types where you can specify whether the job type is a regulatory requirement or not. The field should be places at same level as Maintenance downtime activities. It should be visible also on the work order. This is important for companies that must take governm...
Asset management - Asset documents
Is it possible to get the Functional location as a choice in Asset documents under Setup? A lot of the document URL's difference by the functional location.
Filter on "Is Empty/Blank"
Missing possibility to filter on records with no value on related fields in lists.
Add filter on Work status on work orders
Is it possible to add filter on Work status. This field is very useful in tiles & lists.
Add +New as a tile in work order management workspace
In workspace Maintenance request there is at tile for creating New request.
It would be great to have the same possibility in work order management workspace for creating new work order.
Change asset when creating related work order
Today it is not possible to see/change the asset when creating related work order.
A workaround is to create work order, delete line and add new line.
Is it possible to show/edit asset in the form when you're creating new related work order -> Less work
Se all related work orders
When you're in an work order (parent) it would be great to have a view that shows all related to parent.
When you're on the related (child) work order it should have a referance (with url link) to parent work order.
Change asset/location on created work order
In many cases we don't know which asset that is an issue. We've to create the work order and plan it to a worker. Then after some time we know which asset. Then its's of course to late.
It would be great to be able to only change the asset/location on the line.
Not chan...