Request to have multi languege support for Legal entity name
Currently D365FO doesn't support to have multiple language for Legal entity name and this name is printed on sales invoices, purchase orders etc. It is possible to print sales invoice and purchase order in customer/vendor language. However, legal entity name doesn't translate. We would like to ha...
Request to have ability to schedule subcontract work based on resource capabilities
Currently, the system doesn't support schedule subcontract work based on capabilities of vendors. We have a requirement to select subcontract vendors based on capabilities like machines. Setup vendors as resource with vendor type and setup resource capability for resources. When MRP is run, the s...
Request to change function to display marking information even after generating picking list
Currently, marking information is not displayed in Marking form after generating picking list. However users often check marking information after picking/delivery. It is possible to check the marking information with following operation but it's time consuming for end users. 1. Select Sales ord...
Request to print CD code field in fixed asset Form 26-1 for Japanese localization
There is CD code field in form 26-1 but not print any values. CD code is required to print to file fixed asset tax for Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Taxation. Please add function to print CD code in Form 26-1.