Wrong Prepayment application Voucher showing in Vendor Transactions not getting deleted.
Customer got the prepayment application voucher without his knowledge in vendor transactions which is already posted and just customer can reverse the voucher for not affecting the balances, but there is no way to delete the prepayment application voucher, please help customers for getting thi...
Sales price for the customer is not updated based on the sales price (hour) set up, for a hour journal, on a project invoice
The issue is that the system is picking up the sales price based on the hour journal, it is not picking from the customer although we have done the steps for two customers with the rate in the sales price(hour) setup.
System is not referring to the amount through the setup, system is ref...
Unable to copy specific projects from project hierarchy while using Copy Wizard.
While copying the projects from project hierarchy to new project, selected only specific projects but the system is copying all projects, raised bug #683894, but it is resolved as byDesign. please provide this functionality in coming versions.
Export all workflow comments from Dynamics 365 Human Resources while approving/rejecting the workflow tasks to other entitiea
Customer is looking for exporting all workflow comments from Dynamics 365 Human Resources while approving/rejecting the workflow tasks to other entity, please try to bring this feature in upcoming versions.
Intercompany project list on timesheets empty when project timesheet user is not having access to all organizations.
A project resource is available in both the legal entities USSI and GBSI. Assigned with required Project and categories. While creating intercompany timesheet in USSI, Project ID should show in the dropdown list.
In vendor master, when personalized "Reason code" in "on hold" under vendor tab in Accounts payable module as mandatory, system allows to update vendor hold without reason code.
In vendor master, when personalized "Reason code" in "on hold" under vendor tab in Accounts payable module as mandatory, system allows to update vendor hold without reason code. It is closed as By Design, please bring this into availability in coming versions.
Project id gets deleted even with have budget.
Created a project and created budget against the project and tried to delete the project. The project is getting deleted even budget is there for the project, created a work item reference # 744789 (provided in detail information under work item) but this is closed as By Design, Sharing the wo...
Require functionality to preview accounting before posting on General Journal, Vendor Invoice Journal, Customer Payment Journal.
In RUMF legal entity, “Preview journal transaction” option is visible in general journals under post tab, but in USMF & INMF legal entity “Preview journal transaction” is not available. We are requesting for the functionality in General journal, vendor invoice journal, customer invoice journal...
Importing MT940 without forward slash
We had an issue with the importing MT940 bank statement, the bank statement which is shared by the bank not having forward slash, while importing the bank statement without forward slash, system is not allowing to import the statement. Expecting the solution in near future releases.
Project Quotation need to convert to sales order
In the project management and accounting module, the project quotation needs to convert to sales order, as this functionality is not available, expecting this feature in near future.