Dynamics 365FO - Exchange rate based on Invoice Date, not on Posting Date (as now)
Using Invoice date (not Posting date) to define the exchange rate, without manual changing in Exchange rate field. This change has to be developed both in invoice from purchase/sales order and invoice from invoice journal/free text invoice.
ITALY FatturaPA stamp duties automation
Stamp duty is an additional fee that is applicable to issued invoices with non-taxable goods or services which amount exceeds 77,47 euros per each individual sales tax code. Actually, stamp duty needs to be manually inserted in sales order/free text invoice and project invoices. The suggestion is...
Inventory transactions ordered by warehouse number /item number/transaction date
Dear all. It should be useful to create one report "Inventory transactions ordered by warehouse number /item number/transaction date". At the beginning and at the end of each page a carry forward has to be printed with the following fields: • Total of the physical receipts • Total of physical iss...
Item products with low unit price/purchasing cost
Managing item products with low unit price/purchasing cost in average cost Specific business cases include item products with low unit price/purchasing cost, for example, costs 0.26 EUR for 100 pieces or something like this. The item is purchased/created with big quantity and the cost/purchase ...
Dynamics 365FO - Exchange rate based on Invoice Date, not on Posting Date in all localizations (now this feature is available only for Italy localization)
Now, only for Italy localization, it is possible to use Invoice date (not Posting date) to define the exchange rate, without manual change, both in invoice from purchase order and invoice from invoice journal. It should be useful to extend this functionality to all localizations
Customer payment calendar configuration – Extention
Extending customer payment calendar configuration in order to:
1) let the configuration to be applied for specific customers, not only for specific payment terms/methods (it is not user-friendly asking to create a lot of similar payment terms/methods only for managing ca...
Updating the flag Include zero lines also after Settle and post sales tax procedure
If the user runs Settle and post sales tax procedure with flag Include zero lines = No, it is not possible changing Include zero lines from No to Yes after the cl...