Inspection Templates Auto expand text fields
It would be really helpful if any text boxes could auto expand to fit the default contents. scrolling or expanding manually can be fiddly on mobile devices.
Inspection Templates Add text boxes that are not questions
Sometimes the inspection needs lots of narrative to explain to the customer what is happening. None of the headers or description fields allow multi line text with large amounts of chars. it would be helpful if the toolbox allowed you to add just text without it being a question.
Inspection Templates Rich Text Formatting
Please can we have the ability to format the headers and descriptions using rich text.
Inspection Templates Time Fields
Need to be able to either Override time field or be able to have smaller increments
Clone a Work Order
In our business a cancelled activity that needs rebooking or one that needed rescheduling is as important as completed activity. rather than moving the work order on the scheduling board and losing site of attempts could there be an option to clone a work order and all entity information linked ...