Show account name in hover on posting setups
In posting setup screens it would be nice to see the account name when hovering over an account number. Currently, the only way to find the account name is to click through to open the record.
GP to BC Cloud Migration should include multi-currency
The migration tool currently sets new companies to default functional currency as USD regardless of how the source company is setup in GP. Please update the tool to set this accurately. Also, the migration tool does not migrate any currencies that are configured in the source data. Please enhanc...
GP to BC Cloud Migration should include option for Master Records Only
Would like an option in the migration that does not migrate transactions or history.
GP to BC Migration should include original document numbers
The original document numbers from GP would very helpful to validate and reconcile data between systems.
Assembly BOM allow Service items
Assembly items should allow Service items in the BOM
Close Fact Box
Would like the ability to globally close all fact boxes.
Remember fact box setting
Would like BC to remember that I closed a fact box and not automatically reopen it.