Ability to add charges to project quote
I would like to be able to create charges (ie transport cost or other cost) on a project quotation like we can do on a normal sales quotation. It would improve the consistency in the way of work in our organisations.
Up-Sell/Cross-Sell item functionality on the Sales Quotation without using call centers
Hi i would like to use Cross and up-sell within our normal sales process without having to use the call center functionality. In my opinion this functionality should support all sales processes, not just a call center proces. We now use the supplementary items but that functionality does not g...
Automatically set VAT group when creating address/prospect/customer (bases on the country of the relation)
I would like that the VAT group is selected automatically based on the (invoice or delivery) address of the customer/prospect etc.
There is some functionality available on the VAT group form when we key in an address with country, the VAT group is automatically selected when y...
Send Project quotations without an approval workflow (in D365 Finance and Operations)
Hi, there should be a parameter to enable the Project quotation review workflow process. Currently you can only process ('Send') a quotation if the status is Approved - and therefore if our business doesn't need to approve project quotations, we have to setup a workflow which automatically app...