Add reporting currency exchange rate to project expense journal data entity
When posting a general journal to account type 'Project' there is no option on excel add-in or data entity to update the reporting exchange rate currency. This can be posted to when using a general journal that posts to any other account type - ledger, supplier, customer etc.
Ability to assign multiple workers to one position
The ability to assign multiple workers to one position would be beneficial for scenarios where there is job sharing for a time that overlaps e.g. training and upskilling before one person leaves an organisation where both workers can be in the same position at once.
Currently ...
Do not allow invoice to be posted before product receipt
Currently you are able to post an invoice dated before the product receipt date. The system should not allow this or there should at least be a parameter to either warn or not allow posting if an invoice is dated before the product receipt.
E.g. product receipt can be posted o...
Intercompany accounting journal description
On the header of an intercompany journal, the description always defaults to the description of the intercompany journal in the 'Journal names' screen e.g. 'Intercompany Journal' in our scenario.
It would be really useful for us to be able to use this field to give a better d...