Able to design/modify Start decalration, Tender declaration, X, Z reports in backoffice (D365FO)
For now, we can't modify Start decalration,Tender declaration, Bank drop receipt, Safe drop receipt, X, Z reports in F&O. We can modify other types of receipt such as Sales, Return, Packing slip using Receipt designer. This will help a lot since we get requirements that user doesn't want to se...
Able to hide some mode of delivery in Inbound/Outbound inventory on POS
Lets say,we have registered few mode of Delivery, for example- A,B,C,D,E,F in HQ under Sales and Marketing>>Setup>>Distribution>>Mode of Delivery, There is busines needs that user don't want to see A,B,C, mode of Delivery when they create Inbound/Outbound ...
Japan- Tax amount gets combined in POS receipts when there are different tax rates applied in same Sales order
In Japan, it is a legal requirement that tax amount needs to be separated when there are multiple tax rates applied.
For instance, we have two tax rates in D365. 8% and 10%.Retail price of Item A is 1,000 yen and 8%tax is applied. Retail price of Item B is 1,000 yen and 10% tax is applie...