Change accounts for automatic transactions for “Penny difference in reporting currency" and “Penny difference in accounting currency”.
The system should split the difference amount into the voucher’s original transactions in order to avoid one more transaction with the total difference amount or, at least, to have a batch periodic process to reclassify the total difference amount into the accounts of the original transactions.
Dyn365 F&O - Delegate Cash Advance
It is required to have the functionality of delegating the task of entering Cash advance requests, that is, user B, who reports to user A, can enter a Cash advance request on behalf of user A who, due to the activities of his role, does not have time to carry out this administrative activity.
Dyn365 HR - Restrict by a single legal entity All positions/Workers form
All positions, Workers forms are for all entities, so you can’t restrict by a single legal entity. The request is to restrict users with access to All positions/Workers forms the capability to see records that do not belong to their current legal entity.
Invoice proposal Sales subtotal amount should calculate and display a value.
In the Invoice proposal form, the Sales subtotal amount can be added and it displays the corresponding amount for Invoice proposals with "Invoiced" status, however, for any other status (Draft, approved, etc.), the sales subtotal amount is being displayed as Zero. The request is to include all in...
Update Title description in Titles Form for Human resources
In the Titles form (Human resources > Setup > Titles) it is important to have functionality enabled that would allow us to change the Title value. This could be directly on the form or though the Rename functionality. Ideally, this would be extended to other areas for any unique key fields in-pl...
Working time calendar starting date validation romoval
- When we try to Terminate a Worker which his starting date is previous to the current Working time calendar starting date (Organization administration > Setup > Calendars > Calendars), the system is displaying the following error: “Calendar in company earliest wo...
Posting hour journal within any project considering they have two exchange rates
Customer is trying to generate an hour journal within any project considering they have two exchange rates, one for the accounting currency and one for transaction. When they post this journal, the exchange that needs to be used is the one set for the transaction date instead of the one set for t...
Posting hour journal within any project considering they have two exchange rates
Customer is trying to generate an hour journal within any project considering they have two exchange rates, one for the accounting currency and one for transaction. When they post this journal, the exchange rate required is the one defined for the voucher date not only the transaction date, which...
Consolidate project invoice proposal lines
Customer requires to query project invoice proposals that are being printed using Format invoice proposal option with the following path: - Project management and accounting > Project invoices > Project invoice proposals - For Open Invoices, in Main menu, select Print > Format invoice proposal b...
Change of Primary Address for an existing Legal Entity
Customer requires to be able to turn off the "Primary" check for a legal entity's primary address, that for business reasons will no longer be used, and turn it on in a current secondary address that will be used, also for business reasons, now as their primary.