Print Selected FTI privilege when viewing original document and details to the FTI
When users without System administrator role go to an FTI voucher and click on “Original document”, and “View details” to the specific FTI, Print – Selected button is missing. But if users go to all free text invoices, and select the specific FTI directly, Print – Selected button will show up ...
Account structure changes multiple rows when altering information
We are running into the issue below, when we modify one account structure line, the other lines will get changed, too. This is not friendly for us, at least, we need a notification to ask us if we will save the changes since it will cause other lines get changed.
Subscription Billing: No provision to enter more than 2 decimal places in "Unit price" field for Billing schedule lines
In Subscription Billing module, when adding billing schedule lines to a billing schedule; there is no provision to enter more than 2 decimal places in 'Unit Price' field.
For example,
Qty = 1,212,451
Unit price = 0.0242 (system will accept 0.02)
Amount = 29,...
Accounting source explorer should display correct Project number where multiple projects posted to one voucher in project hour journal
After we post a project hour journal containing multiple projects, then the Project Id on ASE is incorrect, it will show single one project in all voucher lines.
What report/document can we generate to send to the vendor to advise payment if the payment is not settled against invoice? Such as prepayment, or normal payment without settling against invoice.
As described in issues 536165 and 623922, for payment without invoice, the vendor payment advice report will not show details if there is no settlement related to this payment.
As described here (
[Indonesia localization] missed to mark E-Invoice checkbox on Customer master, the Tax invoice ID - sales will be empty
missed to mark E-Invoice checkbox on Customer master, the Tax invoice ID - sales will be empty.
Out of Compliance consideration, in Indonesia, all the sales invoice including sales tax should have the Tax invoice ID - sales on customer invoice journal, however, if we missed E-Invoice che...
Invoice capture: Third party charges maintained on PO line cannot be carried forward to transferred pending invoice.
When creating a purchase order (PO), you can assign third-party charges to a PO line, but these charges will not be paid to the PO vendor. If a pending invoice is created manually, the charge is carried forward to the pending invoice line. However, in the Invoice Capture process, these charges...
Credit limit adjustment workflow: clicking the work items, it doesn't open specific record to be approved.
Credit limit adjustment workflow: clicking the work items, it doesn't open specific record to be approved.
Reference KB: 953859