Export/Import Workflow Templates
I recently noticed that you cannot export or import Workflow Templates and so you have to start from scratch when moving between your development / test / and live environments.
Form Customization bug
Hi all,
I believe I have stumbled across a small bug in the form customization screen. I posted this in the CRM forum but was told to try logging it here.
The bug is replicated as follows:
Select an entity to customize that has at least one business required field on the form....
Ability for workflow to update child records
If a workflow is placed on a parent entity, it would be really useful if the 'update record' step could update all child records at the end of a one-to-many relationship. For example, if I have an event that closes, I would like to be able to update all attendee records with various values.
Ability to select parental fields within the form designer
It would be a nice feature to be able to add fields from parent entities to the form within the form designer. Initially, it would be fine if these types of fields were read only and changed if a lookup value was changed on the form.
It is fairly common for customers to want to see cer...
Ability to select parental fields within the form designer
The new sub-grids in CRM2011 are great but it would be even better if sub-grids could be configured to use a parental relationship (record defined in a lookup) as the contextual record from which to display associated records.
Example real world requirements;
1. A sub-grid on a case ...
Automatic refreshing of views in CRM
If you create a new record in CRM2011, hit save, then press 'F5', the form no longer refreshes, it in effect executes a 'save and new'.
This is problematic especially where you may have workflow that fires on create of a record and updates various fields (for example in a service desk scena...
Ability to select custom 'email enabled' entities for marketing list member types
Currently, marketing list members must either be contacts, accounts, or leads. With the introduction of email enabled custom entities, it makes sense to be able to utilise these email enabled entities when creating marketing lists.
If a field is set to 'Non searchable' it still appears in the chart designer
If a field is set to 'Non searchable' it still appears when selecting a series or legend in the chart designer.
I believe this is a bug and will become problematic for deployments that have several fields that are either no longer used or have similarly named fields that may confuse the end...
User rights to update accounts but, NOT de-activate them
It would be good if security roles had 2 extra columns to control the 'actvate' and 'de-activate' functions for each entity. Currenty, the ability to activate and de-activate is ties to the write privilege, however, we have had several users ask for the ability to restrict the de-activation / ...
Add Security Privilege: Distribute Campaign Activity
I have a customer who needs to control which security role may use the 'Distribute Campaign Activities' button. This is needed because a nominated person must check the proposed marketing activity before sending to ensure the lists and template is correct.
It would be nice if this actio...