Saving Collapsed Views in grid control
It would be great if you could save your view as collapsed using teh new grid control feature? For example Master planning / requirements profile I group by Reference On Hand Planned Demand ... I then collapse the view and save this howere sacing the view does not store the collapsed version...
Restrict By Sales unit - expanded
10.0.25 Saw the release of the restict by unit feature under realeased products / warehouse, this feature
"Restrict to unit
On release to warehouse, round all order quantities down to the nearest whole unit specified here, and reject orders that include quantities less than a sing...
ATP Calculation should use the default vendor lead times on an Item + Issue margin
When creating a sales prder we only have the one ATP lead time we can use, + Issue margin, we purchase items from a multitude of vendors all with varying lead times. can we have an ATP option that takes the items default vendor lead time + issue margin to calculate the suggested possible requ...
ALternative Item in released products
Currently you can select an alternative item only at released product level, this means that if you have a product variant that you need and alternatove product used when not in inventory you can only select one varianat as an alternative product,
in the case of product masters you shou...
Restrict Overpicking products to sales multiples or Unit conversions
Currently we have an issue where inventory unit of an item is in ea.
Default Sell is in ea. as well. We also have conversions.
1 bundle = 25 each’s
1 Pallet = 250 each’s.
Some customers prefer to order in pallet qty's however when the
default sell is ea. The res...
Allow managing of direct delivery against Site/Warehouse level not just on released products
We currently have a sitation where inventory is stocked on 3 of our sites and the 4th site inventory is direct delivered to ordering customers, it would be great if we could move the direct delivery option to default settings as apposed to a one off setting under "Deliver" in released products...
Invoice Capture - Charges with Item Allocation
Currently Invoice capture only supports header level charges and cannot differentiate whether the charges code is set on item level or header level. In our system we allocate charges against each item in a purchase order to more accurately track the total cos...
Auto Charge Calculation - Re-search on Posting - needs work
Currently we have the option to create a tiered auto-change that allows us to apply a charge to a customer’s order based on if the value is below a certain threshold. The most frustrating part though is that we have to click calculate tiered charges every time prior to confirming the order.