Monthly Deduction Limit Field In GP
On Cards > Payroll > Deduction, there is a Pay Period, Calendar Year, and Lifetime limit option but it would be helpful if there was also a Monthly limit option for deductions that come out every pay period but the monthly amount is not an even amount of money. Using calendar year limit is an op...
Quick Assignment Note Index Issue In GP
Quick Assignment removes notes from Paycode Maintenance.
Vendor Bid/Quotes
It would be nice to have a window added where vendor bid/quotes can be entered, printed, and once received back a PO can be generated based on who was awarded the bid.
Print & Email SOP Documents Setup Flag
The new SOP invoices printing even when emailed feature means you have to separate invoices into different batches to not waste paper on printing the invoices that are emailed. It also wastes time having to see which printed forms needs to be mailed by sorting through them. We have moved ours t...
Fiscal Periods Setup Window
Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Company > Fiscal Periods Would be nice if it would open up with the fiscal year that the current user date resides in instead of assuming calendar year fiscal year are for everyone all of the time. If this doesn't work for all users, maybe a ...
Detail Inquiry Account Balance
Inquiry > Financial > Detail It would be nice if "Account Balance" would show the as of balance of the date range if filters are used in the Date section. If Date is "All" the existing balance works fine.
Revenue/Expense Deferral Distribution Reference In General Ledger
When a Revenue/Expense Deferral is used anywhere in GP, the distribution reference from the original transaction only shows in that journal entry. The ALTRN journal entries should grab the same distribution reference as the original transaction to show it in history for those transactions. If ...
Window Grid View
When I click and drag Transactions > Purchasing > Purchase Order Entry window, the grid expands and shows me more lines in the grid. Please add this feature to "Select Purchase Order Items" window off of Receivings Transaction Entry and Enter/Match Invoice as well. Thanks!
Credit Memo On Check Stub
When a credit memo gets fully applied to an invoice, it does not show up on the check stub. It would be nice to have a setup flag that would show the credit memo and its total as a negative and also show the full invoice amount as if the credit has not been applied for clarity to those who rec...
Bank Reconciliation Edit Reports
Transactions > Financial > Bank Deposits window has a Save and a Print button which prints a report that can serve as an “Edit List” before posting the transaction. This is close enough to the batch functionality that other parts of GP have even though bank reconciliation doe...