Add incoming document functionality to bank statements (NL Localization page 11400)
Please add the incoming document functionality to bank statements as wel. It is now only possible to add incoming documents to: Journal,Sales Invoice,Sales Credit Memo,Purchase Invoice,Purchase Credit Memo
Select financial dimension value usage
It would be great to have to option to select where the financial dimension values should be used. On sales, purchase or both.
Check dimension value combinations in G/L budgets
When posting G/L transactions the dimension value combinations are checked, but when adding G/L budgets dimension value combinations are not checked at all which could lead into a mismatch between the budget and actuals. This is now solved with customization but in our opinion it should be stan...
Prevent downloadfromstream to open dialog page
When using downloadfromstream it always opens a dialog to ask to open, save or cancel the file storage. It would be very nice to add a boolean as an extra parameter to prevent this from happening so files are automatically stored without user action.
Only show allowed dimensions
Since release 2021 Wave 1 an allowed dimension filter can be added to a default dimension. It would be great when using that dimension in any posting transaction the drop down list for that dimension only shows the dimension values within that filter. This will prevent errors from being shown w...
Move company to another database
In the old days it was possible to export a company and restore it on another database. That was very helpfull for one of my customers because for several large projects and joint ventures they register a new company with the chamber of commerce for a limited period of time. When liquidating t...