SharePoint file overwrite behaviour in Dyanamics
When we upload a file to SharePoint directly with the same name, SharePoint would ask if user would like to replace the file or keep both (in this case SharePoint would add extension number in the end of the file.) When you do the same behavior in Dynamics SharePoint grid, it has an ‘Overwrite ex...
Some data with the value of hex 0x01 - 0x1f cannot be proceed and stored in Dynamics.
We have encountered the issue that” Some data with the value of hex 0x01 - 0x1f “ when store in crm system.(which can be stored in the client's database including MongoDB, Oracle etc.) Error Meaasge: Failure happened on 'Sink' side. ErrorCode=DynamicsOperationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransf...
Sorting of Dataverse search results not considering quick view sorting setting.
Customer would like to have the option to sort search results ascending/descrending e.g. by Contact name. I.e. using the sorting options that appears to be available to sort in the quick find view but does not currently appear to change the order of the results in any way i.e. currently non-fu...
Have environment level Auditing settings to see the read Audit logs for entities after turning on the Read Logs
Following the steps here , to get the Read/Access logs from Purview portal for Dataverse read logs, users need to enable Auditing settings for different entities one by one.
- Single record auditing. Log a record when opened.
- Multiple record auditing....
Need a way to view who created the table in Dynamics 365 dataverse
Currently, there is no direct out-of-the-box feature that displays the user who created a specific table (entity), which is basic feature. Need a oob way to view who created table/entity.