Post prepayment should post as a forward payment and No GST generated
Prepayment is just a forward payment and should have nothing to do with GST other than people who do Cash Accounting for GST which would be .0001% of customers. The entries for a pre-payment should be against a Journal where there should be a pre-payment option (system generated), this should po...
See real time amount from BC role center tiles
When select business manager as role center. there are some tiles as below, 1.Sales this month 2.Overdue Sales Invoice Amount 3.Overdue Purch. Invoice Amount 4.Sales Invoices Predicted Overdue User need to see the correct amount real time without click refresh data button.
Business central should support creating EFT payment as .aba file extension(Australian Banking Association)
Currently, We just can create EFT payment as TXT file. We expect have a 'EFT File Extension' as place holder in the Bank Account Card , based on this setup it generate the EFT file extension accordingly, also ensure the 'EFT File Extension' must be filled in before we hit the "Create EFT File".
When processing 'Make Order' from Order Planning page, the system should execute all selected lines instead of Active line
1. Go to Order planning
2. Click process--> Calculate Plan
3. Select multiple order lines from the Calculated r...
Report 121-Customer Balance to Date layout: Adding a space line between each Invoice entries or different color to highlight which part are grouped to the subtotal.
1. Post two sales invoice
2. Post one cash receipt with partial payment to the second invoice
3. Run Customer Balance to Date report
The report highlighted three entries in the same grey area. But the coming subtotal only sum by the last two entries that create confusion