mutually exclusive session: blocking registration for event sessions
If two sessions happen at the same time or one is online and the other onsite or for any other reason, as an event organiser I would like to tick or toggle when sessions are mutually exclusive and hence not letting participants register to both.
We can already add when session...
Event: speaker picture profile: improve the image quality based on the original file resolution
When creating an event with speakers, no matter the quality of the speaker´s profile picture it always appear as a poor quality profile picture on the portal.
Therefore, as a user I would like the profile picture image resolution to be of the quality of the uploaded image or atleast to b...
different default email template language than system language
Our company as many international companies have Dynamics only allowed in English.
As a large company, the reasoning from the crm team regarding languages is due to the company official language is English and demoing the CRM when everyone has it set in different languages makes it extra...