Generate Reminder from the "Security deposit reminder date" Field
When keying in a lease, there is a field titled "Security deposit reminder date." Users can input a date to be reminded of a lease's security deposit to be refunded. However, no reminder is actually generated from this field.
I'm proposing that this field generates a reminde...
Support K Records When Generating an Electronic File for 1099s
K records are somewhat of a new thing when it comes to filing your 1099s. Near the end of the file, K records will be categorized by state code. Currently, D365 doesn't support including this data in the out of the box export file (Accounts payable > Periodic tasks > Tax 1099 > Vendor Settleme...
Expense Mobile Mileage Calculation Improvement
When a user needs to enter a mileage expense, they would choose the mileage expense category and key in the number of miles to be expensed. The current system functionality doesn't calculate the total at the bottom of the screen until the user clicks the refresh icon.
If user...
Expense Mobile Including Expense Category, Not Just Category Icon and Merchant
This idea is to propose that the expense management mobile app also displays the expense category name, for usability purposes.
Once expenses have been added to the mobile application, users only see the category icon and merchant value on the "Expenses" tab....