Credit Card Vendor Voucher description to include Vendor ID+Doc Number
- The enhancement to the description created on the voucher created when using a credit card to pay an invoice is the vendor id and the voucher number. Unfortunately, the voucher number is not a recognizable field for the typica...
Void Cash Receipts update Checkbook on Posting
A recent update to GP was to allow posting of Cash Receipts without having to create a Bank Deposit. Unfortunately, this same feature has not been updated when voiding that same Cash Receipt. It should be the same.
Under Review
The ability to unapply a partially applied doc on an open payment
I an surprised this is not already out there.... i did search extensively and did not find it. I have an issue where I have an OPEN payment that is partially applied and I need to unapply it. The payment is not a check. I is a manual payment that was applied to the wrong invoice. I can not una...