Search Knowledge Base in Business Process Flow
When utilizing the Knowledge Base Entity within the Business Process Flow the only option when moving to the next stage is to create would be helpful for it to be Search or just advance user to next stage and let them search for the Knowledge Base entity.
Adding New Inventory Adjustment Product
How about adding ANIAP button that appears once the record is saved instead of having the user click on the arrow on the Adjustment Number then click on Product and then click on Add New Inventory Adjustment Product.
Natively adding more to the Warehouse
OOTB warehouse is very bare. It would be nice to have a some native subgrids on warehouse showing related inventory & vice versus on the product record showing related warehouses and quantity.
Inventory Quantity on Edit Line Grid
Total Quantity on Hand on Quote/Order Edit Line Grid or have ability to select warehouse from dropdown on editable grid and select warehouse which in turn reflects the Total Quantity on Hand.
Built-in Phone & State Formatting
Phone Formatting as a settings option/setup configuration and State Abbreviation Format as an Option/setup configuration