Integrate CDS with Microsoft Teams
Please allow the Creations/Management/Utilization of Dynamics 'Instances' in CDS through Microsoft Teams. This would allow end-user base to utilize scaled down (limited by the normal CDS/Teams space Limitations - 2GB) representations of what Dynamics has to offer and for end-user knowledgebase of...
Raising on behalf of DLPL - Looking for Import functionality on Vendor table(FnO) to be worked as expected from CE and which will update PartyID value on import, at this point of time it is working fine with manual creation of Vendor record in CE
I am raising this idea on behalf of DLPL customer :
Looking for Import functionality on Vendor table(FnO) to be worked as expected from CE and which will update PartyID value on import, at this point of time it is working fine with manual creation of Vendor record in CE