Support ability to assign an Item tax group on the asset lease
Please add the ability to assign an item tax group to the asset lease so that taxes calculate automatically when the vendor invoice is created.
Support ability to consume against a parent budget without having to manually select the parent project budget
For complex parent-child project hierarchies, budget control at the child level is requiring that you select the parent project vs enabling budget control for the hierarchy and consuming against the parent project by default. There is an option to create the budget for the subproject. This is ...
Provide support for more than one invoice journal name with invoice capture
Client would like to have the credit memos come into a different journal name (for voucher numbering, etc) through invoice capture.
Multi-Line Intercompany Journals Due to/from Accounts not getting dimensions
The request from the client is to have the due to/due from accounts pull the financial dimensions from the related lines when entering a multi-line intercompany journal (works fine on single line). They have the trading partner dimension on the intercompany transaction so this is posting to th...