Using vendor calendar to plan correct delivey dates
A lot of vendors deliver only on fixed days. Currently it is not possible to use the vendor calendar to manage this (or ay other setting in Ax). I propose to use the open calendar days linked to a vendor to manage this : calculate next delivery date based on Leadtime/receipt margin etc, and than ...
Calendars per site
It would be good if we could create separate calendars per site - currently this possibility does not exist, but in reality the opening/closing days for deliveries to a customer for example might be different per site, same as vendor calendar which might have different closing days per site.
More detailed change over settings
As the change over time between products varies sometimes a lot, it would be usefull to have a change over matrix. This would allow to differentiate the change over times from product A to product B, or from productgroup to productgroup. There might be a difference of up to several hours per peri...
Take earliest delivery into account when creating new planned purchase order
In standard when calculating delivery date for a planned purchase order Ax takes first coverage period into account. This in combination with higher MOQ, may lead to several planned purchase orders on the earliest delivery date and too high quantities in total. It would be good to look first at ...