Case sensitive syntax
Change AL language syntax to be case sensitive. However check for name collisions without case, e.g. if I would create two procedures insertNewRecord and InsertNewRecord only one would be allowed. Conversions using old txt2al and copy-paste programming usually result in a lot of code looking li...
Allow to include rulesets using URL instead of a path
In all of our apps (100+) we have a ruleset files that are exactly the same. When new analysis rules come out (e.g., some rules may be hidden or turned into errors/warnings - and it is hard to update so many pro...
Improve VS Code app publishing/installing performance
Not so recently I noticed that some apps tend to take a long time when publishing using VS Code even when they do not have any upgrade code. The reason of slowdown is SQL queries that go over all large table entries and makes sure that both main table and extension tabl...
Cleanup translations in Base Application
Hi, there are some problems in Base Application.
#1. Empty " " options and enums, those have caption ' ' and should be locked:
Caption = ' ', Locked = true;
For options it is more problematic because they come...
Obsolete enum value name without changing the ID
There should be a way to rename enum values (and maybe fields or other things) without using obsoletion flow and creating new enum value and upgrade codeunit.
Add a new property Aliases to enum value. Aliases would be names of enum value that were used in ...
Support for multiple BC versions at the same time
We currently have to use separate codebases to support different BC versions. This usually is done using Git branches.
Most of the code does not depend on platform version - for example table definition in BC22 is the pretty much matches o...
Codeunit self-reference
Sometimes you need to get reference to the currently executing codeunit and pass it to procedure in a different object.
You need reference to codeunit or else you will need to pass it by parameter like this:
MyCodeunit.DoSomething(MyCodeunit, ...);
And t...
DataTransfer datatype needs SetDestinationFilter method
DataTransfer datatype needs SetDestinationFilter method.
For example, we have extended VAT Entry table with new field LBC Bill-to/Pay-to Name. Depending on Type field the name can come either from customer or from v...
DataTransfer should be able to create SQL query from AL code
DataTransfer should be able to create SQL query from AL code. Business Central already does a lot of this behind the scenes for all normal data operations so similar approach could be used for data migration as well.
Here is pseudo code how the feature would be used. Explanati...
Option to prevent instantiating internal codeunits when using enum to interface assignment
When using interface + enum combination it should be possible to prevent InterfaceVariable := EnumVariable assignment in dependent apps.
For example:
codeunit CustomSecret implements Secret { Access = Internal; internal procedure GetMySecret(): SecretText begi...