Voice Picking
Default order settings by warehouse
i think is very usefull this new feature:possibility to set different quantity value (Standard order quantity,Max. order quantity,Min. order quantity,Multiple, ecc.) for any warehouse for exampe if i have 2 warehouse i want thatg MRP proposte producion for 1000 pcs because it is on warehouse N° 1...
Demand forecast data range
On Demand forecast, now there is only one data. when the data is before today, it is not considered by MRP i suggest to add a range of data validation and a data for position into MRP; it would be very useful because now the next day of data of record, the record is not considered by MRP and i ha...
Description field
Now, on form i view only code data into field and i view description of code only when with the mouse is over the field. for best user experience i suggest to add near all (or only the fields that user want) fields description of code of fields
maximum number of License plate for each location
i suggest to develop configurable parameter for define maximum number of License plate for each location; different number for each location; for example, it is usefull when i want only one License plate on one location and i want to stop user acticity if location already have other License plate
Dyn365 FFO - Power BI
i suggest to develop full integration of power bi into Dynamics 365 FFO, also and above all for on premises installations
Auto charges
I suggest to develop a parametric module for Auto charges for sales order where i can setup Auto charges calculation for the field that i want of sales order and sales line
Ean13 for Product
i suggest this important missing features: management of Ean 13 code for product. I suggest management of packet\list of available ean13 and assignment to product if this is interesting i can explain more particularry feature nedded for complete ean 13 management