CustDirectDebitMandateEntity do not allow to perform OData insert due to the issue with Status field
When we create direct debit mandates via OData interface, but it fails because the "Status" field is marked as read-only, but even Status is not specified on OData body, the request returns the error "insert not allowed for field 'Status'". However, even when we tries to import only 3 fields (Ac...
Download all the attachments at once from when its stored in Azure storage from D365FnO
It would be good if we can download all the attachments at once from when its stored in Azure storage through D365FnO
Legal entity search filter in default dashboard
In the default dashboard, when the user searching the legal entity with name, the query taking the search word as began. That is when the user enters the word, application is searching with starting of the legal entity, instead of this it should search anywhere on the same filed. Below is the ...